Fireworx’s Certification
SABS Permit & SAQCC Registration required in order to supply and service Fire Equipment i.e.:
- Fire Extinguishers
- Hydrant Valves
- Hose Reels
- Boosters etc.
- Symbolic Safety & Evacuation Signage
SETA Accreditation is required and our trainer is registered with LGSETA in order to provide:
- Basic Fire Training – Level 1 and 2
- Fire Marshall Training
- First Aid Training – Level 1, 2 & 3
- Evacuation Drills

SAQCC Fire Detection & Gas is required to install Smoke Detection
and Suppression systems.
and Suppression systems.
- Smoke & Heat Detection
- Linear Heat Detection
- Beam Detection
- Aspirating Detection (air sampling)
- Flame Detection
- Conveyor Belt „Ember‟ Detection
- FM200 (chemical)
- CO2 (non-human friendly)
- Pyroshield (clean agent)
- Inergen (clean agent)
- Novec 1230 (clean agent)
- Argonite (clean agent)
All sprinkler work is done as a joint venture between Fireworx
and FSD Fire, who’s ASIB certification caters for:
and FSD Fire, who’s ASIB certification caters for:
- Automatic Sprinkler Systems
- Deluge Water Spray systems
- Valve Overhauls
- Fire Water Supply Pump and Tank Installations
- Proposals and Estimates
- Hydraulic Calculation and Analysis
- Flow and Pressure Testing
All other services that Fireworx offers come with Certificates of Compliance:
- Evacuation Plans
- Fire Clearance Certificate Submission
- Fire Compliance Reports
- Fire Consulting
- OHS Audits and Risk Assessments
- Emergency Lighting Installations
- Hydrant and Hose Reel Reticulation
- Emergency Procedure Plans