Automatic Sprinkler Systems
We can also assist in the Design, Installation & Maintenance of…
- Sprinkler Systems
- Deluge Water Spray Systems
- Fire Hydrant And Hose Reel Systems
- Foam Fire Extinguishing Systems
- Fire Pump & Water Tank Installations
This is all done in accordance with the relevant ASIB, SANS, or NFPA codes of practice
ASIB Installer
Fireworx 1475 works in conjunction with Fire Sales & Distributors cc under a MOU. FSD is listed as a Supervisory Installer with the ASIB (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau). Automatic Sprinkler Systems are designed in accordance with the relevant ASIB 11th Edition 2010 Rules.
Role of ASIB
The role of the Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau is to assist in raising and upholding the quality of work and agreed standards in the fixed fire protection industry.